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TOR For The Development of Umati Strategic Plan (2023 – 2028)

 Terms of Reference For The Development of Umati Strategic Plan (2023 - 2028)

TOR For The Development of Umati Strategic Plan (2023 – 2028)


TOR For The Development of Umati Strategic Plan (2023 – 2028)



APRIL 2023


Chama cha Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania (UMATI) is an autonomous, non-political national NGO providing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) information, education, and services in Tanzania. It was established in 1959 and became a leading national organization providing youth-friendly information and services, particularly to underserved young people and women. In 1965 UMATI became a member association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) where technical and core funds support have been provided. By being a member of IPPF, UMATI is internationally connected through experience sharing with other IPPF member associations.

UMATI strives for structural poverty reduction by improving the health of people in Tanzania regardless of gender, political or religious beliefs, with priorities being given to the poorest communities and hard-to-reach populations. To achieve a lasting reduction in social inequality, UMATI invests in the provision of gender responsiveness SRH services, youth and women empowerment, and evidence-based advocacy through result-based health projects implemented in 20 regions in Tanzania Mainland, and Zanzibar supported by Global Donors such as IPPF, UNFPA, UKAID, Swiss Embassy, Bergstrom Foundation, Amplify Change, Plan International.

Over the years, UMATI has undergone several strategic changes, all in attempts to respond successfully to the changing landscape of sexual and reproductive health and rights needs in Tanzania. Most recently, the organization’s strategic direction, as constituted in the current Strategic Plan (2016 – 2019 and extended to 2022), has been towards achieving the following:

  • Government commitment to and implements Global, Regional, and National Policies, Protocols, and Commitments in respect of SRHR;
  • influence and support the review of 5 National policies/laws; 5 Million Young People 10-24 are empowered to make safe choices regarding their SRHR through access to services;
  • 5 Million Young People 10-24 are empowered on SRHR through youth networks/ clubs; Deliver 20 million quality integrated SRHR services through UMATI service delivery points;
  • Enable other partners to deliver 5 million quality integrated SRHR services and
  • Enhance institutional capacity, effectiveness, and governance.

Vision statement: A Tanzania where people are free to choose and exercise their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights without discrimination.
Mission statement: To champion SRHR, and provide information and services targeting the young and underserved.

Due to this, UMATI seeks the services of a consultant (s) to support the organization to develop a new strategic plan for the period 2023 to 2028 that will align with IPPF strategic plan and Tanzania context in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.

About the Assignment

Since the Organization’s strategic plan ended in 2022, there is a need to develop a new strategic plan that responds to the current SRH situation within Tanzania. As a member of IPPF, this new strategic plan is also expected to align with IPPF’s new strategic framework titled ‘Come Together Strategy 2023-2028’. This new strategy is a strong response to the global changes that have severely impacted access to SRHR. Changes that have emanated from the devastating impact of pandemics, climate change, migration, structural injustice, and growing inequality. Again, contextually, the new strategic plan is expected to integrate emerging concepts around digital health interventions (DHI) and gender, etc.

Objective of the Assignment

The overall objective of this assignment is to develop a new strategic framework for UMATI (2023 – 2028) for UMATI that takes into account the current internal and external operating environment in order to enhance UMATI’s effectiveness and sustainability.

Specific Objectives

  • Undertake a situational analysis of SRH in Tanzania
  • Review and understand the IPPF Strategic Plan and contextualize it with the country context.
  • Lead the preparation and the whole process of the development of the UMATI Strategic Plan


The assignment is nationwide and is expected to cover all of UMATI’s operational sites across the country. The focus is expected to cover all of UMATI’s programmatic areas, strictly within the field of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). This process should serve as an opportunity to critically review practices, refresh our objectives, and strengthen mechanisms to hold the organization accountable to its mission and vision.

Key Deliverables

  • The consultant (s) will be required to produce/develop/ the following for UMATI
  • Inception report – detailing implementation plan and methodology
  • Situational analysis report (of the SRH sector)
  • Coordinate and facilitate stakeholder engagement meetings
  • Strategic plan document (draft and final versions)


This assignment is expected to be carried out for a period of two months commencing in Mid-April and ending on June 2023

Primary TaskTimeline/DeadlineResponsibility
Recruit consultant and contract2nd week of April UMATI 
Consultant conducts situational analysis3rd – 4th week of AprilConsultant
Submit situational analysis report5th week of AprilConsultant
Broad stakeholder consultation (including Volunteers, staff, and partners)1st week of MayConsultant
Fieldwork/data collection/discussions
Hold a workshop on strategic plan development with UMATI staff and partners2nd week of MayUMATI & Consultant
Submission of zero draft strategic plan4th week of May Consultant
Hold validation meeting with stakeholders and UMATI 1st week of JuneUMATI & Consultant
Submit revised draft strategic plan for comments3rd week of JuneConsultant
Finalization and submission of UMATI’s strategic plan2nd week of JuneConsultant
Dissemination of strategic plan4th week of JuneConsultant


Competences and qualifications of consultant:

The consulting team should have the following


An advanced degree (minimum of a research-based master’s degree) from a recognized university in Public Health, Development Studies, Organizational Management, Research Methodologies, Monitoring, and Evaluation, or any related field.


  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in strategic planning;
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitating organizational development of non-profit organizations.
  • Experience in program design and management, and in strategic plan development and its processes in relation to UMATI’s field of work will be considered an asset.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of research methodologies and processes.
  • Good understanding of Sexual Reproductive Health programming.
  • Excellent skills in leading teams, and coordinating participatory processes
  • Experience with donor relations will be considered an asset

Application Process:

The consultant or firm should provide the following in their application:

  • CVs of key personnel who will be involved in the development of the strategic plan.
  • Evidence of similar assignments conducted within the last 5 years, including references.
  • Technical proposal – detailed methodology, the proposed structure of the strategic plan, and work schedule. (max. 5 pages).
  • Financial proposal – budget should include all expected costs etc.

All applications should be physically delivered in One Original and Two copies to;

Executive Director

UMATI HQ located at Plot No 439,

Maliki Road,

Upanga. P.O. Box 1372,

Dar es Salaam

By 2nd May 2023 1700HRS EAT. The subject should read: ‘Strategic Plan Development’.


Job Opportunities  

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